Major Fails In Deer Valley Unified School District
Students are losing, administrators are taking over, and board member Paul Carver (R) continues to vote against conservatives
On January 14, 2025, DVUSD Board Member Paul Carver—an alleged Republican—and Stephanie Simacek (D) voted against Dr. Karen Pack’s (R) bid for Board President. Carver confidently took the presidency, with Pack’s support, only to nominate Simacek for Vice President. Watch below.
Here is the voting record for your reference. DVUSD Board President vote:
DVUSD Vice President vote:
Carver supposedly voted against Dr. Pack—a DVUSD alum and 50+ year resident, holding a doctorate in Organizational Leadership and 25 years in education—because she lacked school board experience.
I wonder if Carver voted for Clinton since Trump—a billionaire TV personality with no previous political experience—was technically unqualified to serve as POTUS in 2016. <insert eye roll emoji>
AZWOA call to action! Please contact Board President Paul Carver no later than 7 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28!
Contact DVUSD Board President Paul Carver at 623-445-5002 or Attend the next DVUSD board meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28 @ 7 pm. Location: 20402 N. 15th Ave, Phoenix.
Records show Carver voted against Jennie Paperman’s (R) bid for Board President in 2023. Paperman garnered support from both sides but typically voted along conservative lines during her time on the board.
Carver voted with Democrats to install Ann Ordway as Board President in 2024.
Carver’s wishy-washy voting also manifested when the board adopted an ELA curriculum with questionable CRT/DEI content. On November 28, 2023, Carver voted against the program and reversed his decision on December 12.
Do you see the pattern?
“Moderates” (by moderate, I mean beta) wear their schizophrenic voting record like a badge of honor. They smile in supporters’ faces while looking for a place to stick a knife. They’ve mastered “reaching across the aisle” as a means to continue pursuing self-interests. Beta “moderates” are useless in the fight for moral clarity and common sense governance (several “Republicans” in the Arizona legislator are running the same scam).
Another issue in DVUSD is its administrative surplus and Superintendent Curtis Finch’s power struggle with elected representatives. I’ve watched and attended board meetings wherein Finch interrupts and filibusters board members. This is unprofessional and unacceptable coming from an overpaid, unelected bureaucrat. Rather than sit on the dais during official proceedings, Finch should be on the floor, facing the board, only speaking when spoken to.
The Legal Process called attention to expanding administrative powers over district matters that require school board involvement.
On the surface, there appears to be some sort of effort by Carver, Finch’s administration, and other left-leaning cohorts to overthrow the will of DVUSD voters. Peoria Unified residents experienced similar shenanigans after one corrupt county superintendent appointed a fake Republican to the board who voted 99% leftist. And, like Carver, she was endorsed by RINOs in LD27. Thankfully, three legitimate conservatives finally gained control of the PUSD school board.
Academically speaking, DVUSD fares better than PUSD since DVUSD students are testing at a failure rate of 50% proficiency in basic subjects while PUSD falls below 40%. Say what you will about standardized tests. The results are, at least, an indication of how worthless Arizona public schools have become. At best, half of the future adult population in our state will know how to read.
Constituents should consider these observations as coming from 30,000 feet. For greater context, I recommend watching/attending DVUSD board meetings, reviewing the votes recorded in meeting minutes, and contacting Carver with questions or concerns. My overall point (again) is that parents and taxpayers don’t have time for hidden agendas and backstabbing community leaders.
Board members will cast votes for Vice President again during the meeting on Tuesday, January 28. Along with Carver, Simacek and Board Member Kim Fisher (R) are polarizing figures. Dr. Pack’s credentials, acquired knowledge, and professional experience gives DVUSD an opportunity to move forward and reach a nonpartisan consensus wherever possible.
Contact Board President Paul Carver at 623-445-5002 | to request (insist) that he nominate and vote Dr. Karen Pack for Vice President.
Attend the next DVUSD board meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2025 @ 7 pm. Location: 20402 N. 15th Ave, Phoenix.
Send feedback on DVUSD to Your personal information is always kept confidential.
You're young and probably don't remember, but our Republican party used to champion the most vulnerable within public schools. Dr. Finch is an ultra-conservative Republican. More importantly, he bows the knee to Christ. I financially supported Dr. Pack's campaign, because I thought she would be an excellent representative to serve- and still do. (And gathered signatures for Kopas/Roberts AND I continue to support Mrs Simacek because she's a class-act, respectful woman who happens to be a democrat, as well as others). I did NOT support Fisher or Hawkins.
This article is a page right out of Fisher's playbook. It doesn't even read like you Ms Benson. At least have the self-respect to speak for yourself versus parroting a very "polarizing" individual. It's a sad stab by Fisher towards Mr. Carver because of deep-seated jealousy within our party and you're allowing yourself to be used. Something as easy as taking turns at the opportunity to be an elected officer has turned into WW3 political jockeying. Jennie Paperman was not equipped to serve as President. And this is coming from someone who voted for her, ecstatic she's out from underneath Fisher's oppression, and has found her passion loving on the military. *Edited