We Got Our "Red Wave," Now What?
Dark days are coming to Arizona if we don't reverse Proposition 139
God hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:17)
In case you missed my Facebook live, I’ll link it here and, sadly, reiterate below that Arizona is no longer a pro-life state.
Bloody Proposition 139
According to Maricopa County Election Day results, out of roughly 2.25 million voting age constituents, only 729,000 voted against Proposition 139 while nearly 1.2 million voted in favor of abortion on demand. Statewide, out of 5.85 million voting age citizens, 1.9 million voted in favor and 1.2 million against.
I’m not a mathematician, so I beg your pardon. It appears roughly 320,000 county residents and nearly 2.75 million state residents didn’t vote either way on the abortion-related ballot measure. While I don’t think the majority of Arizonans want to slaughter their unborn children, it certainly appeared that way on Election Day.

For those who don’t understand the magnitude of what’s happening:
“The right to an abortion will now be enshrined in the Arizona Constitution after voters approved a radical ballot measure on Tuesday night [November 5, 2024]. Proposition 139…[received] over 61% of the vote as of Thursday night [Nov. 7]. It will create a ‘fundamental right’ for abortion up to ‘fetal viability’ and allow a baby’s life to be ended potentially up until birth…
“For several decades, Arizona had been one of the most pro-life states in the country–largely thanks to Republican legislators, governors, and effective activists. Because of the constitutional amendment being passed by voters, a simple majority of the members of the state legislature would not be able to reform any of the policies enacted by the measure.”
During the spring 2024 legislative session, five “Republicans” voted with Democrats to repeal a statewide abortion ban upheld by the Arizona Supreme Court. Watch the AZ House of Representatives and watch the AZ Senate vote on House Bill 2677.
This was an unnecessary exercise since the Arizona Court of Appeals overturned the decision, and abortion remained legal for up to 15 weeks while the courts battled it out. Proposition 139 was a citizen initiative, not a legislative initiative. In a show of uselessness, these “Republicans” demonstrated their willingness to go against the interests of pro-life conservatives:

Christians and Pro-lifers
Anyone could’ve predicted that Christians and pro-lifers would be outvoted on this issue since we all know spiritual leaders are guilty of telling their people to “stay out of politics.” Now, Arizona is set to become the abortion capital of the Southwest region.
The Sixth Commandment confirms this is a moral issue. Abortion—the intentional ending of human life in the womb—is sin. Plainly stated: ABORTION IS MURDER.

That is not a “clump” of cells. This was PERSON.
“What about cases of rape?” “What about cases of incest?” “What about the life of the mother?”
According to the bordello of blood, otherwise known as Planned Parenthood, 1 in 4 women in the United States will get an abortion by age 45. Sixty percent of patients will be in their 20s. Planned Parenthood claims that “abortion is healthcare,” “abortion is safe,” and that “most abortion restrictions are aimed at reducing access, not helping women.”
In those rare cases when a pregnancy must be terminated to save the mother’s life (e.g. ectopic pregnancy), no statistics show the patient’s and doctor’s primary goal was to crush and dismember the unborn. Common sense tells us there’s a difference between medical emergencies and (promiscuous) females who refuse to use contraceptives. Rather than abstain from sexual activity, the latter will use abortion as birth control.
The Guttmacher Institute—not a conservative group by any stretch of the imagination—published data from 1987 and 2004, stating, “In both surveys, 1% indicated that they had been victims of rape, and less than half a percent said they became pregnant as a result of incest.” If, 20 years later, we have a higher number of rape and incest victims, I dare say abortion is not the solution to these evils.
Regardless of the circumstances that lead to pregnancy, the unborn is still human life.

Join me in praying for the overturning of Proposition 139: