Peoria Unified School District Counselors Request “Rainbow Libraries” For Students
Sex talks on school grounds; parental consent not required

According to the 2022-2023 AZ School Report Card, a majority of Peoria Unified School District (PUSD) students are failing basic graduation requirements.
Overall, K-12 students are 44% proficient in English, 40% proficient in math, and 28% proficient in science. Despite these dismal statistics, the district reported a graduation rate of 94.4% (down from 95.5% in 2022) and a total per-pupil expenditure of $8,115.07.
What exactly is PUSD doing with our tax dollars!?
Counselors want to “trans” the kids
One answer is found on the Ironwood Counselors social media page. These dirty hirelings spent the last school year promoting and celebrating multiple sexuality disorders among children.
For your viewing pleasure, more silly and disturbing images are found here.
PUSD counselor Paige Carpenter-Swaim and her colleague Valeria “Leera” Tripp are particularly enthusiastic about spreading LGBTQ awareness among Peoria’s youth.
^Note the disgraced PUSD teacher Holly Holgate who “liked” Carpenter-Swaim’s posts in the past. Holgate was arrested in April 2024 after betraying sexual assault victims to their abuser, basketball coach Patrick Battillo (a.k.a. Mr. ORNG). He was apprehended for allegedly soliciting lewd photos from male students to traffic online.
Public record requests for emails between Carpenter-Swaim and other PUSD employees—including librarian Alexi Heien and English teacher Christopher Deminie—are going viral. These ADULTS are way too excited about a “Rainbow Library” program powered by the youth-targeting organization known as GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network).
Predators on the payroll
Parents should hold Chief Personnel Officer Laura Vesley responsible for allowing PUSD to remain a safe haven for predators. She’s been employed by the district since 1987, working her way up to a comfortable six-figure salary. Vesley was appointed to the CPO position in 2021, yet she doesn’t know what questions are asked during the interview process. After all the employee issues we’ve seen in 2024 alone, she should be fired. Sadly, the new superintendent is a childish man who throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way. So, Vesley is off the hook.
By failing to properly screen applicants, Battillo became the SECOND coach—in the same position!—to prey on high school students. Former basketball coach William Roberts III was acquitted on multiple sex crime charges involving a minor though he admitted to penetrating a student victim after their 18th birthday. Roberts was allowed to resign from the district. The school board’s decision to fire Battillo was likely due to public pressure. Holgate is presumably still on administrative leave.
Most predators—like ones employed by PUSD—don’t arrive at the place where they feel comfortable exploiting children right away. On the contrary, their misconduct starts with “harmless” conversations. The same kind of conversations corrupt counselors plan to initiate by sharing “rainbow books.” Is this really the road PUSD wants to keep barreling down? Did Vesley eliminate all the administrators with integrity and common sense?
Fearing another round of (well-deserved) negative publicity, the district did not broadcast or record the September 12 school board meeting. Something about technical difficulties. The speech below was recorded for posterity.
There are no “safe spaces” for perverts in PUSD.
Shout out to Tamra Farah, Director of S.M.A.R.T. Families Network, for breaking this story in AZ Free News.